Wednesday 19 June 2013


wow like the book Of mice And Men  really good the way the author has wrote about their characteristics and way of life, really sad to know that George and Lennie have been Put through all of that and Lennie gets nothing out of the hard work. kind of skipped to the end lol because read my dads old put and found out Lennie dies :o noone from school look at this comment only people from other schools and different countries and dont forget to tell your freinds to look at my own blog KarlLarenZo's World or just click the link and subscribe to my blog :D tyyyy

Thursday 13 June 2013

Tuesday 4 June 2013

South African Revolution

Did you know when the south african revolution started most african people were sent to a small village called sharpville. if they did anything wrong or against english rules, they would be shot !!! and there bodies would be left on the street ( not a pretty picture :/ ). As we watched the documentary a man spoke about the time he was in sharpville and how horrific it was. One of his qoutes were "we dreamt of becoming doctors or to work as a nurse but those were the dreams for white children". He was one of those people from sharpville who survived and is still alive today.
As we were taken into more of the documentary i couldnt help notice that nelson mandela was a terrorist at that time, and as we learnt in history he was put into prison and the people of africa sang a song called "Free Nelson Mandela" which symbolised Freedom and tranquility not noly to Nelson Mandela but also the people of africa.